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Towards the synthesis of pragma-dialectics and theory of critical argumentation through the prism of semiotics

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


In presented paper I would like to focus on the Pragma-dialectics as a theory that provides a normative approach to the argumentation (as was presented e.g. in Eemeren, F.H. van, & Grootendorst, R. (2004). A systematic theory of argumentation: The pragma-dialectical approach.) as a complementary method to the theory of Critical argumentation - a powerful tool used for the analysis of rhetoric, speech acts and argumentation constructs.

In my point of view, synthesis of a following methods of analysis can create a fruitful combination of tools which can help to foresee the separate parts of an argumentation discourses as a specific types of signs and therefore create a possible way to view the following disciplines as a semiotic process and bring new possible new insights into both disciplines.