In his recent prose, Peter Krištúfek repeatedly returns to the traumas of the 20th century. In terms of a literarry treatment of the subjekct of Shoah, it is a typpologically well-known and much used storyline.
The basic question that remains about the Post-November processin is how to talk about the traumas of the twentieth century. Fictional narratives about the Holocaust in contemporary literature are very actual historical testimony, but rather of the limits represented by the author's stratégy in such historical fictions This is the case of Krištúfek's novel Ema a smrtihlav (2014).
Krištúfek's narrative recedes from so-called traumatized literature. The reader perceives the text as a statement of solidarity from ordinary people.
The narration is based more on psychology of the characters than the historical vents that, without a deeper stressing the symbolism of Jewish destiny, expresses a desire for an aesthetic update.