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COSYREL - an efficient fixed combination for treatment of hypertension, stable ISHD and heart failure

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Fixed combinations of two or three drugs are being frequently used in cardiovascular diseases. This approach markedly increases adherence of the patients to prolonged therapy and thus leads to better control of the diseases.

Fixed combinations are often used in hypertension and coronary artery disease (CAD). Cosyrel is the first fixed combination of betablocker (bisoprolol fumarat) and ACE inhibitor (perindopril arginin) available in czech market.

The advantage is availability in several concentrations (10 mg/10 mg, 10 mg/5 mg a 5 mg/10 mg a 5 mg/5 mg) , when first indicates bisoprolol dose and the second perindopril. This combination is indicated in arterial hypertension and/or in stable CAD (in patients after myocardial infarction or revascularisation) and/or in dosages 5 mg/5 mg and 5 mg/10 mg in patients with chronic heart failure with systolic dysfunction.

This article aimed to evaluate briefly clinical characteristics of this fixed combination. Bisoprol and perindopril arginin have a lot of data indication their positive impact on CV risk and prognosis.