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The notion of Mechanism in the current theory of science

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


The article provides a review of the notion of mechanism in the new mechanical philosophy (NMP). First, the origins and main principles of NMP are described.

It is shown that NMP has originated mainly as a result of critique of logical empiricism. Then the main defi ning features of mechanism (responsibility for phenomenon, entities and activities, and their organizations) are specifi ed and described in-depth.The article concludes with strong and weak points of NMP.

It is argued that NMP provides a new and more realistic perspective on how science is actually realized, and how discoveries happen. It also has constructive normative appeal as it encourages scientists to look for mechanisms that can actually explain some phenomena.

At the same time, however, in explaining complex phenomena the heuristics of decomposition and localization must be accompanied by other, more dynamic approaches.