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Long-term therapy with ustekinumab for psoriasis in a patient with a history of malignant melanoma

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Psoriasis vulgaris is a chronic skin disease with a high impact on quality of life, often requiring long-term systemic therapy. Although there are reliable guidelines on how to use biologic therapy and conventional systemic drugs, there are still concerns regarding exceptional cases such as those with oncological comorbidities.

According to European guidelines, in case of a recent diagnosis of cancer, it is recommended to consult an oncologist (Nast et al., 2015). However, if a patient has malignant melanoma, the oncology specialist usually is a dermatologistWe present a case of a 62-year-old male patient who was diagnosed with superficial malignant melanoma with a Breslow index of 0.87 mm in 2005.