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A monetary amount intended for the state to provide financial assistance to victims of crime - theoretical and practical aspects



This paper deals with theoretical and practical aspects of a monetary amount intended for the state to provide financial assistance to victims of crime within the meaning of § 179g par. 2 letter b), § 307 par. 2 letter b) and § 309 par. 1 letter d) cr. procedure code. The theoretical part of this paper offer a detailed criminal law and criminological insight into this issue, the following practical part introduce its readers in at least little awareness of how often and in what cases the prosecution offices or the courts make use in practice of these types of diversions in criminal proceedings as a common practice and where they are used on the contrary only exceptionally, and how high the amount of monetary amount for these purposes is at least approximately; all is based on the statistics related to the monetary amount intended for the state to provide financial assistance to victims of crime.

The paper is concluded by the summary of current situation and conclusions of the author arising from it