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International Biological Program (IBP) - all began 50 years ago

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


In the framework of section "Human adaptability" of IBP extensive research project in the years 1968 till 1974 in Czechoslovakia was carried out. It was focused on the fitness level of average Czechoslovak population aged 12 to 55 years.

Human fitness can be significantly affected by surrounding environment, and on the contrary, healthy and fit humans are able to influence surrounding environment. The research purpose of Czechoslovak participation in the IBP project, headed by prof.

Václav Seliger, CSc., was to create physical fitness norms of the contemporary average population. Eleven research institutes participated in the project.

All were equipped by uniformed equipment. No study of that kind was conducted till today.

The data determined in the framework of IBP research program as fitness normatives of average healthy population are considered like fitness normatives even today and recently obtained values are compared with them.