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Differences in forearm strength, endurance, and hemodynamic kinetics between male boulderers and lead rock climbers

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


This study examined differences in the oxygenation kinetics and strength and endurance characteristics of boulderers and lead sport climbers. Using near infrared spectroscopy, 13-boulderers, 10-lead climbers, and 10-controls completed assessments of oxidative capacity index and muscle oxygen consumption (m?O-2) in the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP), and extensor digitorum communis (EDC).

Additionally, forearm strength (maximal volitional contraction MVC), endurance (force-time integral FTI at 40% MVC), and forearm volume (FAV and FAV) was assessed. MVC was significantly greater in boulderers compared to lead climbers (mean difference=9.6, 95% CI 5.2-14kg).

FDP and EDC oxidative capacity indexes were significantly greater (p=.041 and .013, respectively) in lead climbers and boulderers compared to controls (mean difference=-1.166, 95% CI (-3.264 to 0.931s) and mean difference=-1.120, 95% CI (-3.316 to 1.075s), respectively) with no differences between climbing disciplines. Climbers had a significantly greater FTI compared to controls (mean difference=2205, 95% CI=1114-3296 and mean difference=1716, 95% CI=553-2880, respectively) but not between disciplines.

There were no significant group differences in FAV or m?O-2. The greater MVC in boulderers may be due to neural adaptation and not hypertrophy.

A greater oxidative capacity index in both climbing groups suggests that irrespective of climbing discipline, trainers, coaches, and practitioners should consider forearm specific aerobic training to aid performance.