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Eu@C72: Computed Comparable Populations of Two Non-IPR Isomers

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Relative concentrations of six isomeric Eu@C-72-one based on the IPR C-72 cage (i.e., obeying the isolated-pentagon rule, IPR), two cages with a pentagon-pentagon junction (symmetries 𝐶(2) and 𝐶(2𝑣)), a cage with one heptagon, a cage with two heptagons, and a cage with two pentagon-pentagon fusions-are DFT computed using the Gibbs energy in a broad temperature interval. It is shown that the two non-IPR isomers with one pentagon-pentagon junction prevail at any relevant temperature and exhibit comparable populations.

The IPR-satisfying structure is disfavored by both energy and entropy.