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Four acceptances of Almada Negreiros

Publikace na Filozofická fakulta |

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In 2017 the Portuguese-speaking world celebrates the centennial of Portugal Futurista magazine. One of the main characters of the wave of Portuguese vanguards was Almada Negreiros, known as "the total artist" - painter, draftsman, dancer, novelist, poet, and playwright.

The artist occupied a central position in the first generation of modernists. He performed ambiguous artistic works during the Salazar regime, and his legacy was systematically refused many years after the Carnation Revolution.

Today, the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum presented an apolitical anthology exhibition of paintings by Almada Negreiros, and recovered him as a great Portuguese artist. This study intends to show that there are four different perceptions of Almada Negreiros' oeuvre that were at once celebrated and rejected by the public.