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Development of High-Tech Engineering Companies in Russia

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The goal of the paper is to determine challenges and obstacles to the development of high-tech engineering companies in Russia and define mechanisms of the development of high-tech engineering companies, which would take into account the current state of the Russian economy, the accumulated potential for the scientific and technical progress and national specifics of innovation development. Achieving the goal of the paper is based on the results of the authors' research focused on the development potential of Russian engineering companies with regard to political, economic, social, technical, legal and cultural factors.

The results show that main obstacles to the development of high-tech engineering companies in Russia include high monopolization and specialization of production, ineffective state and regional support, low investment attractiveness of engineering or reduction of expenses on research and development. The results support the assumptions that main macroeconomic conditions for the development of high-tech engineering companies in Russia include increase in the number of industrial clusters and regional technology platforms that act as local regulators of production and consumption of high-tech products.

The authors suggest organizational and economic mechanisms of the development of high-tech engineering companies in Russia.