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Voyage beyond the expected horizons

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Review of the publication Horizons of European Drama: Contemporary Theatrical Text Between Dramatic and Postdramatic Trends (eds., Z. Augustová, J.

Jiřík, D. Jobertová, Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, Prague 2017, ISBN 978-80-7331-410-1 ).

The book is the output of a two-year project aimed at providing a comparative view of the current trends of European drama. The first part consists of insights of Czech theoreticians into individual theatrical cultures.

Thus, the reader can find parallels and differences between the dramatic developments in Germany and Austria (Zuzana Augustová), Great Britain (Martina Schlegelová), Czech Republic (Vít Pokorný), Poland (Jan Jiřík), Russia (Marcela Magdová) and Italy (Kateřina Bohadlová ). The second part of the book contains, in the form of studies, the contributions made from the Symposium Contemporary Theatrical Text between dramatic and post-dramatic tendencies.