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Electric Field Oriented Nanostructured Organic Thin Films with Polarized Luminescenc

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The effect of the external electric field of 10(5) V/m on the ordering of two luminescent liquid crystalline molecules (1-pentyl-2',3'-difluoro-3 '''-methyl-4 '''-octyl-p-quinguephenyl and 9,10-Bis (4-pentylphenylethynyl)antracene) during thermal vacuum deposition is studied. The morphology, electrical conductivity, optical absorption, luminescence spectra, and polarization are presented and analyzed.

All data show the formation of ordered films. The polarization degree is 60% for 1-pentyl-2',3'-difluoro-3 '''-methyl-4 '''-octyl-p-quinguephenyl oriented films and 28% for 9,10-Bis (4-pentylphenylethy nyl)antracene.

The lower value of M2 luminescence polarization can be explained by the absence of dipole moment in this molecule.