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Do significant TFE3 gene rearrangements occur in succinate dehydrogenase-deficient renal cell carcinoma? Borderline FISH results should be interpreted with caution

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Current FISH guidelines recommend that borderline-positive and borderline-negative results should always be interpreted with great caution and in the context of other clinical and laboratory findings, and we would consider the authors' FISH results as borderline.6 Therefore we would suggest that the significance of the authors' finding of lowfrequency TFE3 split signal patterns should be interpreted with caution. Of course, as the authors suggest, perhaps TFE3 gene earrangements could occur as a late event in small proportions of malignant cells in SDH-deficient renal carcinoma.

However, the fact that we found no positive cases in our series of 30 SDH-deficient renal carcinomas suggests that this may not be the case, or rather that if it does occur as a secondary event then it occurs no more frequently than in other types of renal cell carcinoma. For these reasons we think that based on current data TFE3 gene rearrangements are unlikely to be a significant event in SDH-deficient renal carcinoma. ltimately, further studies may be required to esolve this issue with certainty, but until then we ould consider this association unproven.