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Kerr-Newman black hole in the formalism of isolated horizons

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The near horizon geometry of general black holes in equilibrium can be conveniently characterized in the formalism of weakly isolated horizons in the form of the Bondi-like expansions (Krishnan B, Classical Quantum Gravity 29, 205006, 2012). While the intrinsic geometry of the Kerr-Newman black hole has been extensively investigated in the weakly isolated horizon framework, the off-horizon description in the Bondi-like system employed by Krishnan has not been studied.

We extend Krishnan's work by explicit, nonperturbative construction of the Bondi-like tetrad in the full Kerr-Newman spacetime. Namely, we construct the Bondi-like tetrad which is parallelly propagated along a nontwisting null geodesic congruence transversal to the horizon and provide all Newman-Penrose scalars associated with this tetrad.

This work completes the description of the Kerr-Newman spacetime in the formalism of weakly isolated horizons and is a starting point for the investigation of deformed black holes.