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Temperature behaviour of hyperfine magnetic fields in a Fe-Co-Si-B-Mo-P metallic glass followed with57Fe Mössbauer spectrometry

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Amorphous glass with nominal chemical composition Fe51Co12Si16B8Mo5P8 was studied by combination of the Mössbauer spectroscopy and magnetic measurements in order to characterize magnetic and structural features. Temperature evolution of the Mössbauer spectra revealed presence of broad distribution of hyperfine magnetic field at lower temperatures which vanishes with increase of temperature.

The Curie temperature estimated from the Mössbauer spectroscopy experiments is TC ~ 392 K. This value is in a good agreement with that obtained by magnetic measurements (TC = 397 K).

The Mössbauer spectroscopy spectra of the sample annealed at 823 K revealed a presence of crystalline components. This temperature is notably lower than the expected temperature of the onset of crystallization observed by differential scanning calorimetry (~ 835 K).