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Finance support of regional and local television

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Purpose of the article: In this article, the authors focus on the fact that local and regional media in the Slovak Republic do not have sufficient funding due to their territorial impact, which is not sufficiently stimulating for the advertisers. Methodology: Authors used the method of analyzing the available data of selected local and regional TVs, taking into account the size of the territory in terms of the number of inhabitants of the territory to which the broadcasting of local and regional televisions is broadcast.

They also used a comparison method when comparing organizations representing local and regional televisions in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic. Scientific objective: This article emphasizes the importance of the independence of local and regional televisions that do not have financial support from central authorities and are thus dependent on the decision of local municipalities, thus creating a role in the public interest program.

From the point of view of the use of marketing communication tools, it is not possible to compete with multi-regional televisions because TV production has the same price for both types of television but the range is different. Findings: In the Slovak Republic and in the Czech Republic, central authorities have not yet created a system of support for local and regional media to ensure their independence.

The organizations representing these televisions even have a contradictory opinion in the Czech Republic on the financing of local and regional TVs from concession fees. In the Slovak Republic, the efforts of the central authorities to support these televisions have been demonstrated, but the form is unclear until that time.

Efforts of local and regional TVs to get more advertisement are less real, as advertisers prefer multi-regional televisions. Conclusion: This article highlights the weakness of the use of marketing communications tools for local and regional TVs due to their small market presence.

Regional and local television and the organizations that represent them strive to obtain financial support from central authorities so that they are not dependent on specific municipalities to form public programs and can form an independent program.