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Common errors in diagnosing skin diseases in pediatrician's office

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Issues of skin diseases in childhood is enormously broad - the skin problems are one of the most common reasons for visiting a pediatrician. Not only treatment, but diagnostics itself provides a number of pitfalls and can be a great challenge even for an experienced dermatologist.

The author and his colleagues regularly encounter some unsuccessfully treated diseases, resulting from recurrent errors in the previous diagnostic proces. Although they are mostly not serious errors - which would put the patient's life in danger - only the discovery and correction of the errors leads to the solution of the situation.

Based on these clinical experiences, an article was created - with a selection of topics that reflects some of the more recurring situations - whose ambition is to be as helpful as possible for the everyday practice of pediatricians and to help prevent previously mentioned potential mistakes. Because of practicality, there is often not a complete differential diagnosis, and it is rather a set of recommendations and advice.