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Methods of motion data analysis of animal's body on rotating platform

Publication at Faculty of Science, Second Faculty of Medicine |


The article introduces methods of data analysis and new parameters for evaluating angular movement response of animals to changes in their body orientation in 3-D space. The motion capture system of rotating platform offering a record of anatomical angles of head movements and angles of the movement of platform.

The calculation of parameters has been implemented in MatLab sw. Methods have been tested for quantitative evaluating head angular movements of reptiles and amphibians.

Parameters are based on evaluation of time domain data and relationship between measured variables. New parameters include: correlation coefficient between the angle of platform movement and the angle of head movement, variance of the angle of head movement, the angle between the line of the angle values of head movement and platform movement, the inclination angle of angle-angle diagram.

The assumption is the application of methods for studying the evolution of nervous system.