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Diagnosis a therapy of ampullary tumors

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Detection of tumors of the ampulla of Vater, including ampullary adenoma, has been improved by routine screening endoscopicprocedures and imaging modalities. Early and accurate diagnosis of tumours of the ampulla of Vater will lead to early treatmentand subsequent better prognosis.

ERCP has been shown to be one of the best diagnostic modalities. Endosonography and intraductalultrasonography can reveal the size and extent of a tumor, accurately demonstrate invasion into peripancreatic tissue, andgive a therapeutic alternative.

Endoscopic resection and ablation of benign ampullary tumors appears to be a viable alternativeto surgical therapy with acceptable morbidity. Diagnosis a therapy of ampullary tumors is multimodal and multidisciplinar withthe participation of gastroenterologist, patologist and hepatobiliary surgeon.