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Shoulder in epitome - first part

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


The aim of the article is to clarify and illustrate the often unclear issue of the broad area of shoulder pain. The article consists of three parts.

This first part refers to basic important phylogenetic connections between shoulder functional development and the current kinesiological knowledge of shoulder biomechanics that lead to understanding the origin of the aching functional and subsequently also structural disability in shoulder joint girdle. The second part introduces the most frequent and best known clinical symptoms of these shoulder disorders.

It offers simple classification of shoulder aches according to etiology, type and extent of the injured tissues and it clarifies non-specific transmitted shoulder aches. The third closing part of the article is devoted to the general aim and basic strategy of aching shoulder medical rehabilitation, including specific examples of known and tested, as well as the latest therapeutic procedures and methods.

Principles and advantages of their use in rehabilitation are emphasized.