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Claudyan's map of Bohemia in Münster's Cosmography : with examples from the Map Collections of the Faculty of Science, Charles University

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The first separate map of the Bohemian Kingdom was published already in 1518. Klaudyan's map became generally known thanks to Sebastian Münster, German reformation theologian and geographer who published it in his works Geography and Cosmography.

The contribution presents the structure and extension and response of Cosmography. It focuses on the analysis of the spread with the map of the Bohemian Kingdom (R 57), both according to Klaudyan's model and in the later version according to Criginger.

Cartometric analysis that set the map rotation of 167° was also done. It describes various available language versions.

The emphasis is on the unique Czech edition of cosmography with the translation by Zikmund of Puchov in the edition of Jan of Puchov. The map in this edition is different from all the others.

The author points to large gaps in research of the existence and content of this cartographic landmark in the Czech memory institutions. The last investigation was done by K.

Kuchař and F. Roubík 70 years ago.

The Map Collection of the Faculty of Science, Charles University owns handwritten and printed copies of the map in different language versions. The author presents primarily examples from this collection here.

In conclusion there are summarized the differences between the only well-preserved Litoměřice original and the versions of the map in S. Münster's cosmographies.

Among others, neither the author was stated nor was plotted the road network on. Newer editions of Cosmography are already based on Criginger's map.

Some of the editions include the so-called little map of Bohemia.