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Borrowed Vocabulary in Russian Dialects of Siberian Old-timers of the Tomsk and Yenisei province (based on A. D. Grigoryev's lexicographic materials)

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


In the article we examine borrowed vocabulary in the dialects of Tomsk and Yenisei provinces which is reflected in A. D.

Grigoriev's work "Russian Dialects of Siberian Old-timers". The mentioned work represents an unstudied and to a certain extent unknown lexicographic source which was created in the 1920's during dialectological expeditions carried out in 11 Siberian provinces.

In the article we classify loan words into several etymological groups according to their source language: loan words from Finno-Ugric, Tatar, Mongolian and Baltic languages. We separate words that have disputable etymology, or are not presented in the dictionaries which we use as sources of our research.

Many of the questions related to etymology are connected with lack of descriptive information in the above-mentioned A. D.

Grigoriev's work. Within each group we also introduce places of distribution of words registered in the above-mentioned work.