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Global Multidisciplinary Conference Beyond Psychedelics 2018


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Mission Discuss the potential of psychedelics, alternative states of consciousness and technologies for individuals and societies; review their risks and create guidelines for beneficial safe use and harm reduction; explore the potential of collaborations between a variety of experts. Description The aim of the conference is to provide a platform for global cooperation among people with a professional interest in psychedelics.

We aspire to facilitate the exchange of both scientific knowledge and real practical experience - at a global level and across a variety of disciplines, thus creating new synergies. The event will encourage innovative discussions on approaches to psychedelics and on the unequivocal position these substances still hold in the modern age - despite the lack of available evidence - in order to support their successful integration into our society.

To achieve this, an in-depth review of current challenges associated with their use should be a key interest. Therefore, besides exploring potential benefits, this year we aim to focus more on their harmful potential and incorporate cross-cultural perspectives to establish guidelines for safe use, harm-reduction and prevention strategies when working with psychedelics, alternative states of consciousness, and technologies.