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Construction of feminist consciousness as part of the collective identity

Publikace na Filozofická fakulta |

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The presentation focuses on the problem of feminist consciousness which is the central issue of forming a collective identity within the feminist movement. The aim of the study is to elucidate the question of how women develop their collective feminist identification and become civically active within the feminist movement.

The development of feminist awareness is closely linked to the process of social frameworking that can be influenced by the transformation of collective identity. Previous research has shown that women often internalize the individualistic framework-therefore, problems arising from gender inequalities are often perceived as personal problems that can be solved on an individual level rather than perceived as complex structural shortcomings.

The process of creating feminist consciousness requires the recognition and rejection of unequal and unfair treatment of women and the transformation this opinion on the personal level. Once the problem is named and the terminology or framework is created, it enables women to see the situation as part of the social system and not as an individual and isolated reality or experience.

Therefore, the major objective in this study is to answer the research question how the individual and collective frames arise and which mechanisms are used to create a collective identity within the feminist movement. Reflecting previous relevant research, the individualistic framework is one of the possible consequences why Czech women do not perceive gender problems at societal level.

These prepositions based upon qualitative research method will be further detailed in the presentation.