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The Future of Economic and Monetary Union after Brexit

Publication at Faculty of Law |


The position of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland within the European Union has been quite specific from the very beginning. Brexit ends this specific relationship, with unclear consequences for the time being.

One of the areas that Brexit will have a significant impact on is the financial sector. Although the United Kingdom stood and continues to stand outside the monetary union, it represents and historically represented one of the most economically strongest Member States and clearly the most economically strong of Member States outside the eurozone.

The dominance of Great Britain is even more striking in the financial sector. The departure of the UK from the European Union thus necessarily raises fundamental questions regarding the further direction of European integration in this area.

This chapter will deal with the future of Economic and Monetary Union after Brexit. In what direction will economic and monetary union develop further? Does Brexit result in weakening, restraint, or vice versa in a deeper integration of monetary union?