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Pregnancy in the scar after myomectomy

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


A 33-year-old female after the laparoscopic myomectomy in 2013 was hospitalized for suspected pregnancy in the scar after myomectomy in the 12th week of pregnancy. After admission to the hospital, an ultrasound examination and subsequent magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the diagnosis.

Due to the finding, the patient was prescribed surgical intervention. The laparoscopy was performed and due to the interoperating performance, it was converted to laparotomy with evacuation of fetal eggs, by excision of the edges of the myometrium, and the suture of the wall of the uterine.

The operation was complicated by excessive blood loss and coagulation disorder, which was dealt with in cooperation with an anesthesiologist. The postoperative period was without complications and the patient was released to home care on 7th postoperative day.