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Thermal transport and thermopower of bcc U-Mo splat-cooled alloys

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


In order to characterize the electron and thermal transport properties in splat-cooled U-T alloys (T is transition metal), we measured the thermopower S and thermal conductivity of selected splat-cooled U-Mo alloys with 0, 11, 12.5, 15 and 17 at Mo concentrations, as a function of temperature. Additionally, we compare our data with the results of S(T) and (T) for pure -U bulk material.

Moreover, what particularly motivated us for undertaking above mentioned investigation was the opportunity for prove the functionality of the TTO (Thermal Transport Option) insert of PPMS apparatus for such form of samples. Working with rapidly solidified materials in the form of splats, i.e. foils of typical thickness 0.2 mm, or even less, we need to test first whether the TTO output can be taken as reliable for the sample geometry, being far from typical bulk bar-shaped samples.