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Superconducting phase transitions in mK temperature range in splat-cooled U0.85Pt0.15 alloys

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


We present the temperature and magnetic-field dependence of the electrical resistivity (rho(T, B)) in the mK temperature range used as a diagnostic tool for the superconductivity of U-Pt alloys prepared by splat-cooling technique. In most of the investigated alloys, a single resistivity drop was observed at the superconducting transition.

For splat-cooled U0.85Pt0.15 (U-15 at% Pt) alloys, two drops were revealed around 0.6 K and 1 K tentatively attributed to the superconducting phase transitions of the gamma-U phase and alpha-U phase. The rho(T, B) characteristics were found to depend on the cooling rate.

The superconductivity is characterized by very high upper critical fields, reaching 4.5 T in the 0 K limit.