The Wingate Anaerobic test (WAT) is the most popular test for estimation a person's anaerobic capacity. Because anaerobic performance is important for many athletes, the most well-known application of the Wingate test is in sports medicine.
But there is also more. The Wingate test is especially useful for children with chronic diseases like Cystic Fibrosis, Diabetes and Muscle Dystrophy.
Another application is to test the increasing obese population. The test is based on cycling at maximal intensity, for 30 seconds, against a high braking force.
This force remains constant throughout the test but, because it is so high, the subject cannot maintain the initial velocity for more than a few seconds, before starting to slow down. Some neš devices enable fast sampling of load and other measured data and therefore is possible gain more information from test.
In this paper the mathematical models based on data gained from WAT are described. The linear models based on systém identification are used.