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Jevany-Dubina: Revisory research into a deserted medieval settlement in the Černý Kostelec region

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This study sums up the results of a revisory geodetic survey, surface collections and a geophysical survey of a medieval settlement in Dubina, Jevany cadastral zone, in the Černý Kostelec region. Several small surface forms were newly identified, such as the remains of an oven in a three-section house, as well as communication systems connecting the place with its surroundings.

The pottery acquired by surface collecting enabled the shifting of the period when the settlement was deserted into the younger desertion horizon in the region (second half of the 14th century). The social interpretation of the location is not clear.

It might have been a small settlement consisting of two liege manors, or a homestead of a vassal. The farming potential of the hinterland was very low; in addition, the settlement was located on a watershed, and there was thus a problem with the absence of a permanent source of water.