This study investigated whether ivabradine is able to protect a hypertensive heart in the model of L-NAME-induced hypertension and to interfere with the RAAS. L-NAME administration increased systolic blood pressure and left ventricular weight, enhanced hydroxyproline concentration in the LV, and deteriorated the systolic and diastolic LV function.
Ivabradine reduced HR and SBP, and improved the LV function. The serum concentrations of angiotensin Ang 1-8 (Ang II), Ang 1-5, Ang 1-7, Ang 1-10, Ang 2-8, and Ang 3-8 were decreased in the L-NAME group and ivabradine did not modify them.
The serum concentration of aldosterone was enhanced by L-NAME and ivabradine reduced these changes. We conclude that the protective effect of ivabradine might have been associated with the reduction of the aldosterone level.