923 / 5000 V ýsledky překladu Recommended procedure of the Society of Infectious Medicine of the Czech Medical Society J. E.
Purkyně. Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is the most common and widely accepted diagnosis that entitles physicians to use FMT.
Indications for the administration of FMT are forms of the disease in which we assume severe dysmicrobia, ie mainly recurrent CDI. Most literary authorities, including the authors of the European Consensus, recommend the administration of FMT after the second recurrence, ie after the third CDI attack; the main reason for their opinion is the lack of data proving the benefits of FMT after the first recurrence.
However, studies demonstrating the importance of early FMT have recently increased and it is known that the risk of further recurrences increases significantly after the first recurrence. Based on these arguments and their own experience, the authors of this recommended procedure agree that FMT should be administered after the first recurrence, ie after the second CDI attack.