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Successful treatment of a chronic eczema in a 48-year-old female with Dr Michaels(R) (Eczitinex(R) and Itchinex(R)) product family. A case report

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


We report the case of a 48-year-old female with chronic atopic eczema who responded successfully to Dr Michaels(R) (Eczitinex(R) and Itchinex(R)) product family. The patient had a 41-year history of atopic eczema and presented with erythematous, excoriated lesions with telangiectasia and scattered purpura (bruising) covering 90% of her body surface area.

The patient also regularly suffered blepharitis with red, itchy, watery eyes. The patient was treated with Dr Michaels(R) (Eczitinex(R) and Itchinex(R)) ointment and herbal supplements and presented total resolution of the atopic eczema and underlying inflammation within 6 weeks.

This case also suggests that Dr Michaels(R) (Eczitinex(R) and Itchinex(R)) product family is safe and effective, even in cortisone acquired sensitive skin.