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Lewis' Notion of Myth and Cognitive Theory of Metaphor

Publication at Catholic Theological Faculty |


The aim of the article is to summarize C. S.

Lewis' notion of myth with regard to the theory of conceptual metaphor and show in which way such notion can be inspiring for this approach to language and in which the theory of conceptual metaphor can elaborate Lewis' perspective. In order to do that, the article describes myth on three interconnected levels: myth as a symbolic narrative, myth as a metanarrative and myth as a witness and creator of human everydayness.

The author emphasizes the fact that the cognitive approach to language should be also regarded as such myth, which serves to grasp only a certain aspect of reality. Because of that it should be in a continuous dialogue with philosophy, which can be a very useful tool for the thematisation of the basic categories of cognitive linguistics, such as world, embodiment and experience.