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From top to bottom: less is more

Publication at Central Library of Charles University |


Martin Velisek do not find ideal by his pictures, object and drawings. Velisek would interfere with the perfection not in order to correct or improve it or indeed to mar it, but in order to return perfection to life.

He seeks signs of life in unexpected places where we would not look due to our being under the spell of mechanistic ideas of clockwork perfectionism. So he looks for indications of life in "imperfections".

If they are not evident at the first sight, he moves to discover them. As if he were asking us all the question which we are inevitably unable to answer: Is life perfect or imperfect? If a body were perfect, it would not be a body but a machine.

Yet a body is alive, while the machine is not. A minutest mistake could totally destroy a machine while life thrives on imperfections, cracks and weaknesses which engender its creativity.