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Godparenthood in the family of schoolmaster and organist Jirik Zelenka Bavorovsky

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


In the paper, the author focuses through the baptismal registers of the parish Lounovice pod Blanikem on the Godparenthood of Jirik Zelenka Bavorovsky and Marie (Magdalena) Zelenkova, the parents of the Baroque music composer Jan Dismas Zelenka, and further for the general context on the Godparenthood their children received. The basis of the analysis is the fact that the Godparenthood was an important part of (not only) the early modern society of the Czech rural areas and a document of relations or contacts at local, eventually wider level.

The aim of the paper is the attempt to capture and interpret, in combination with other sources and literature, the social network of married couple Jirik and Marie (Magdalena). From this social network can be concluded on the position (status) of the family and thus also J.

D. Zelenka in the local milieu.