Editor's introduction to the symposium devoted to the Prague Spring 1968. The introduction summarizes the contents of the symposium and explains the rationale behind it.
It then goes on to sketch out certain interpretations of the Prague Spring relevant for sociology and it concludes by listing the questions that served as guidelines for contributing authors. In the symposium, 13 sociologists and political scientists recall how they experienced the Prague Spring and reflect on the significance of the Czechoslovak reform movement for the present day.
The contributors are: Johann P. Arnason (Iceland/Czech Republic), Richard Flacks (USA), John A.
Hall (Canada), Ágnes Heller (Hungary), Hans Joas (Germany), György Lengyel (Hungary), William Outhwaite (UK), Jacques Rupnik (France/Czech Republic), Ilja Šrubař (Germany/Czech Republic), Vladimir Tismaneanu and Marius Stan (USA/Romania), Stephen Turner (USA), Jerzy J. Wiatr (Poland).