The study deals with Henri Bergson's conception of the relation between the nature of the common human experience and the experience mediated by art. At first, the study shows that Bergson's statements point out that the function of a work of art is to compensate common inability to perceive unique nature of things and emotions.
Further, the study emphasizes, in particular, that a work of art is not a repetition of an unnoticed reality, but a formation of actual reality with the help of virtual reality. The fact that a work of art is not a repetition of an unnoticed reality is proved by the rhythmical character of this work.
Bergson argues that, in work of art, the unnoticed reality is 'delimitated' and 'eternalized'. However, Bergson also shows that rhythm is, of necessity, a continual qualitative change.
According to Bergson, a work of art thus proves to be a change of this eternalization or an eternalization of this change.