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Adult Education 2018 - transformation in the era of digitization and artificial intelligence



The 8th International Conference Adult Education 2018 - transformation in the era of digitization and artificial intelligence took place under the auspices of the Rector of Charles University Prof. MUDr.

Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA, in Prague on the 11th and 12th December 2018, covering the following areas: 1. Using new ICT in education, 2.

Development and significance of transversal competencies in the context of globalization, 3. Further professional education in the era of automation and digitization.The conference is traditionally held by Faculty of Education at Charles University in cooperation with the Czech Andragogy Society.

Previous conferences and their outcomes were put in the database Web of Science. The guarantors are prof.

PaedDr. Michal Nedělka, Dr., dean of Faculty of Education at Charles University and prof.

PhDr. Jaroslav Veteška, Ph.D., chair of the Czech Andragogy Society, together with the scientific board whose members are European experts on initial and further education.