While the Book of Judges seems to be highly influenced by real history at first glance, it is possible to say that it is very ahistorical and it does not say much about the real life between the time of Moses and the age of kings. This paper shows the approach presented for example by Mario Liverani who argues that while this is true, it is possible to view the Book of Judges as a document about the life, the hierarchy, and of course the ideology of the deuteronomist who lived in the Judean province in the era of the Achaemenid Empire.
Through the comparison of what is written in the Book of Judges and what the life looked like during the Achaemenid Judea we can see that it is highly probable that the deuteronomist authors who edited the old stories about the judges of Israel actually based the background for these in their own period by which means they could fill the time gap between the Torah and the period of kings and also very easily present their ideology to their readers.