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Law and Liberty as a Challenge for Theological Reflection

Publication at Hussite Theological Faculty |


Justice is the key subject matter of the Bible. The challenge to seek the right and justice is running through the Bible like a red thread.

Concurrently such key words as justice, liberty and the derived term of political science "liberalism", are burdened with semantic confusion which gives rise to the double approach to the creation of law. This double approach is essentially represented by two ideologies: classical liberalism and socialism.

This study presents results of legal and economic studies which we find in works of economists, political scientists and philosophers of law, especially in works of Friedrich A. von Hayek and Bruno Leoni; both representatives of the Austrian school which synthetises economic, legal and political science knowledge. The end of the study demonstrates how the double approach to the matter of law and justice creates different paradigms for interpretations of the Biblical message.