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Chronic itch

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Chronic itch is the most frequent symptom of patients with skin diseases, but it can represent a sign of serious internal and psycho-neurological conditions. Itch, especially without any skin lesions and generalized, not responsive to therapy and prophylactic measures, is a reason to search for less frequent mechanism of itch.

Symptomatic, calming therapy is suitable in cases where the cause cannot be detected and removed or where at least the triggers cannot be eliminated or reduced. This is represented by the skin barrier therapy - emollients as special tools for lubrication of itchy skin and further special antipruritic topicals in suitable galenic form.

Systemic therapy is a challenge, because H1 antihistamines are in most cases with chronic itch of low efficacy. Despite a substantial progress in understanding of molecular mechanism of itch and neuroimmune inflammation, many questions of its pathogenesis remain still unanswered.

Therefore it is necessary for the therapy to be complex, all available possibilities should be utilized and in individual patient the potential pathophysiology of itch should be taken in account.