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Surgical Use of NanoKnife (Irreversible Electroporation) in Patients with Unresectable Lung Tumors

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Eight patients suffering from unresectable, centrally localized lung tumor were treated with Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) in 2011-2018. A complete remission of the disease was reported in three patients and two patients presented a sub-complete remission.

Four patients are without any local recurrence even after several years. The last fifth patient was operated on just two months ago.

Three attempts for IRE were unsuccessful at the beginning of our trial due to incorrect indication (tumors were greater than 5 cm or we used low current density) and are not subjects of this report. The longest survival is six years and patient has fully functional preserved lung.

All surgeries were performed as an open procedure using posterolateral thoracotomy.