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Particle-in-cell simulations of the plasma interaction with poloidal gaps in the ITER divertor outer vertical target

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Predictive modelling of the heat flux distribution on ITER tungsten divertor monoblocks is a critical input to the design choice for component front surface shaping and for the understanding of power loading in the case of small-scale exposed edges. This paper presents results of particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of plasma interaction in the vicinity of poloidal gaps between monoblocks in the high heat flux areas of the ITER outer vertical target.

The main objective of the simulations is to assess the role of local electric fields which are accounted for in a related study using the ion orbit approach including only the Lorentz force (Gunn et al 2017 Nucl. Fusion 57 046025).

Results of the PIC simulations demonstrate that even if in some cases the electric field plays a distinct role in determining the precise heat flux distribution, when heat diffusion into the bulk material is taken into account, the thermal responses calculated using the PIC or ion orbit approaches are very similar. This is a consequence of the small spatial scales over which the ion orbits distribute the power.

The key result of this study is that the computationally much less intensive ion orbit approximation can be used with confidence in monoblock shaping design studies, thus validating the approach used in Gunn et al (2017 Nucl. Fusion 57 046025).