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Wave Polarization Analyzed by Singular Value Decomposition of the Spectral Matrix in the Presence of Noise

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Analysis of wave polarization provides wave propagation parameters and enables an identification of modes in space plasmas. It is based on measurements of several components of fluctuating electromagnetic fields.

This technique has become a conventional part of modern instrumentation onboard scientific spacecraft. A definition of the degree of polarization can be reduced to a very basic form, i.e., the ratio of a signal's polarized power to its total power.

However, this simple definition can have several different realizations which depend mainly on the underlying assumptions about separating the polarized (coherent) part from the unpolarized part (noise). After reviewing polarization of a plane wave in two and three dimensions, we examine the singular value decomposition technique for a complex spectral matrix as well as for a real spectral matrix.

The meaning of singular values is explained, and we show to what extent the singular values are able to contribute to a separation between polarized signal and noise. Finally, our theoretical findings are verified with synthetic data as well as with whistler-mode chorus wave observations from the THEMIS spacecraft.