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Initial Reading: I Read and Become a Reader (Paths of Linking Research and Practice) - 2018



The conference followed up on the already realized conferences in 2014 and 2016. The aim was to present new findings from research and projects, but also to enable to share practical experience and experience-based practice from all activities supporting the development of reading literacy and reading at our pupils.

All that from the point of view of various scientific disciplines (primary and preschool pedagogy, pedagogical psychology, special pedagogy, linguistics, etc.). The conference became also a meeting place for academic professionals and professionals from practice dealing with the issue of the development of reading and related literacy skills.

The conference was designed not only for academics and students of masters and doctoral programs, but also for professional staff from practice - kindergarten and primary school teachers, educators, professionals from school counselling centres and counselling facilities, library staff, but also for everyone else interested in the development of literacy, readership and reading of our children. Morning Plenum included lecturers of experts with international participation.

In the afternoon the meetings were held in sections. There was one international section in which a diagnostic battery created in cooperation between four European countries, was introduced.

The program was accompanied by an extraordinary round table, reflecting 100 years of Czech (and Slovak) children's literature. At the end of the conference, the students prepared a scenic reading for the participants.