The knowledge of the mobility of urethra plays important role in patients with stress urinary incontinence and its assessment is a part of standard urogynecological examination. It has been assumed that increased mobility is associated with higher likelihood of successful treatment.
There is arbitrary defined cut-off for hypermobile urethra - descend of more than 15 mm or 30-degree resp. 50-degree rotation or more during Valsalva manoeuvre. Clinically we routinely categorize mobility of the urethra as high mobile or hypermobile urethras, low mobile urethra and the situation in-between as mobile urethras.
But how accurate are we with such a subjective assessment? We have provided retrospective analysis of mobility of the urethra assessed during the clinical examination by transperineal ultrasound (US) with subjective scoring of the mobility (low, norm, hyper) and compared this assessment with detailed measurement of descent and rotation of the urethra.