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From white board to patient tracking system in anesthesia and beyond

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Every acute-care hospital in the Czech Republic is equipped with a Hospital information system, still there is no Anesthesia information management system (AIMS) deployed in any of these hospitals. Relaying the information obtained in anesthesia consultation and managing an anesthesia sub-department proved to be challenging when using a shared Word document and classic white board to keep track of the changing situation.

We designed an in-house web-based system that stores the data obtained in anesthesia consultation, shares these data via email with relevant parties and then serves as a patient tracking system in the post operative care unit. This system also provides tatistical data associated with anesthesia required by our hospital.

Although AIMS would be an ultimate solution for our needs, we were able to cover our most pressing needs by much more simple arrangement which we plan to develop further.