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Breath and voice games as a way of self-knowledge, communication, voice and mental health

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The inability for breath to flow freely causes obstructions while talking and singing, suppresses movement while playing the musical instrument, prevents a performer from relaxed experience in drama or movement performance. Mastery of our posture as well as our breath adds to stress and insecurity management while performing.

Self-reflective workshop aims to help teachers interconnect methodological approaches with their practical applications in the work with children.Through the way of self-reflection, we can discover our breath and voice possibilities. We can realize connections between our posture, breath, voice which are rooted in our psyche.

In the workshop, we use physiotherapy exercises, voice technique and music therapy. It is lead from the point of view of psychosomatic unity of an individual (unity of body, voice and psyche).

In the exercises, we focus on: 1) Relaxed posture in connection to economic work of functional muscles. 2) Relaxation of undesirable psychological and muscles obstructions, preventing its performers from free breathing and sound voice.